October 24, 2005

Between Jam and Jelly: Regulation as the Default State of Affairs

Uriah Kriegel has an article on Tech Central Station on the decent of the EU ino regulation as the Default State of Affairs
With the world's fourth biggest proportion of the population making less than $2 a day, and $430 GNI per capita, Mauritania is one of the world's poorest countries. Featuring mostly camels and sand dunes, it has almost no non-oil natural resources. Yet meager resources inspire greater entrepreneurial ingenuity, and a few years ago a German company figured out a method by which to produce cheese from camel milk. A miracle for the unfortunate people of Mauritania? Not quite. The European Commission did not approve the new product. The reason: there were no regulations in place for camel-based products.
Idiots, pure and total idiots. I do not need the EU to say if I can or cannot do something. If it does not violate the laws of physics then obviously I can do it, with enough effort. Somethings society has decided are not good for society as a whole and as I want ot be part of society I abide by these taboo, but I do not need and never have needed some beaurocrat telling me what I can do.


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